Game Developer and Audio Engineer

Battlemage VS Mechadinos is a spell combining, bullet deflecting VR experience that tasks the player with destroying as many pesky mechadinos as possible.
Battlemage VS Mechadinos was a project created in three months using Unity alongside Will Hughes and Bianca Ngo. My role was as designer and Unity developer. My contributions include:
- Gameplay Design Documentation
- Customisable Sound Manager using Scriptable Objects
- Variety of Enemy Status Effects
- Dynamic Tutorial that Adapts to Player Behaviour
- Base Enemy Behaviour
- Enemy Variants (light, heavy, and resistant)
- Diegetic Arena UI Screens
- All Particle Effects
- GameManager
Players can use their wand to draw spell sigils and cast spells. Combining sigils together creates powerful combination spells with devastating results.​
This project was recently showcased at the Queensland Games Festival (2023). Here's a video from the fantastic Iain Anderson covering the event.